TenStep ის გლობალური ქსელი წარმოადგენს პროექტების მართვის საერთაშორისო ინსტიტუტის (PMI) ოფიციალურად რეგისტრირებულ  პროექტების, პროგრამების და პორთფელების მართვის კომპანიას, PMI Consultant Registry.

The TenStep Global Network has been accepted as a provider of project, program and portfolio management consultation by the Project Management Institute (PMI) and is listed on the PMI Consultant Registry.

TenStep საკონსულტაციო სერვისები

TenStep-ი მის მიერ შექმნილი საერთაშორისო სტანდარტის  საკონსულტაციო სერვისებით მსოფლიო მაშტაბით დახმარებას უწევს ორგანიზაციებს, არსებული რესურსების ეფექტური გამოყენებით, მიაღწიონ სტრატეგიულ მიზნებს, ახალი გამოწვევების საპასუხოდ მაქსიმალურად გამოიყენონ საკუთარი შესაძლებლობები, შეიძინონ ორგანიზაციული  კომპეტენციები ინოვაციური პროდუქტების შესქმნელად.

TenStep Consulting Services

Methodology customization, deployment, and related services are not core competencies for most organizations. We know how to do it. We can help you get through the learning curve and save you from making major mistakes. Click here to learn more.

TenStep, Inc. offers consulting services to help your organization unlock your full potential. All of our services can be customized for your organization. We can help you around the US and around the world. Contact us today!

Project Management Office (PMO)
PMONow! The Quick PMO Startup Service – Build a PMO Roadmap for a new Value-Add PMO or to re-synch an existing PMO to ensure you are providing value.
Virtual PMO Gain the value of a PMO by utilizing our expert staff on a full-time or part-time basis.
PMO Scorecard Measuring the Value of Your PMO – Create a holistic scorecard to identify and measure the value and success of the PMO.
Project and Program Management
Implementing a Holistic Project / Portfolio Environment Understand how to meet your organization’s desired future state and create a Process Improvement Roadmap to help you get there.
Methodology Deployment Create and implement a methodology strategy and deployment plan that is right for you.
Project / Program QuickStart Use the entire project team in a facilitated session to quickly define a project or program.
Project / Program Audits Determine the true state of a project and whether the project looks to be on track to finish successfully.
Coaching and Mentoring Receive customized, personal coaching to meet your needs.
Project Management and Lifecycle Customization Customize a methodology to fit your specific needs. Start with our methodology or yours.
Project Management Fast Track Provide training and follow-up coaching on specific projects in your organization.
Contract Staffing Provide your organization with highly skilled, professional, certified project managers, business analysts and other project team members.
Full-time Placement Service Use our expertise to source, screen, and recommend project management candidates for you to hire.
Project / Program Rescue Services Turn around a troubled project to help it reach a successful conclusion.
TenStep License and Deployment Advantage Create, update and maintain a project management methodology using our expertise.
Strategy Development and Mapping
LEAD™ Strategic Planning Gain the value of Strategic Planning through our LEAD™ (Learn-Envision-Act-Deliver) model.
Portfolio Management
Portfolio Management Implementation Answer some of the most basic, yet difficult, questions regarding work performed and value provided.
Organization Assessments
asapm Performance Rated Organization (aPRO) Assessment and Improvement Program Evaluate your organization’s ability to successfully execute projects and learn how to improve your project environment.
OPM3 Assessment Determine the best practices that will help you achieve a competitive advantage.
TenStep Organizational (Systems) Assessment Assess the state of your organization’s project management practices in order to create a targeted improvement plan.
LeDRS™ Organization Assessment Evaluate your organization based on industry benchmarks, improve your processes, and make more data-driven decisions.
Process Mapping
Process Mapping Services Understand and document your current business processes and use as the basis for future state process improvements

….more… Contact us today to discuss your needs further – info@TenStep.ge.

Click here to learn more about our other offerings.

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